This was the fate of those who knew the Tradition of the Moon:

Never to make a mistake when choosing tha man in their life. This meant that ,from the moment they became a true witch, they would never again nurse the same illutions about love that other people did.

True, this would mean less suffering or even no suffering at all, because they could love everything more intensely; finding one’s Soulmate was, after all, a divine mission in everyone’s life.

Even if,one day,you were forced to part,love for your Soulmate-according to both Traditions-would always be crowned with glory,understanding and a kind of purifying nostalgia.

That was Love, and that was how people had searched for their Soulmate since the time began, by looking into each person’s eyes in search of that special light, Desire.

From the book 'Brida' by Paulo Coelho

자신의 소울메이트를 찾는 것은 삶의 신성한 의무였다. 설령 언젠가 헤어질 수 밖에 없다 해도 자신의 소울메이트에 대한 사랑은 언제나 영예와 깨달음, 정화된 그리움이라는 왕관을 쓰고 있다고 했다.
Posted by Yours sincerely